Demonstrating Our Support for Tipton County Animal Shelter

brindleAmazing things have been happening at Tipton County Animal Control. Tomorrow, Sunday April 28th, is the last day of the Animal Rescue Site Challenge. If you support the changes being made at Tipton County Animal Shelter and would like to see them win a $100,000 prize and feel the support of the entire county, please go to this link and vote for “Tipton County Animal Shelter” in Brighton, TN. Thank you for your support!

It has been eight months since Anita Shea and Heather Twisdale created this PAWS and Claws Facebook page. The goal of the page was to feature professional photographs of each of the animals at Tipton County Animal Shelter and share them with a national audience to move Tipton towards a “no kill” status. In a mere eight months, this massive effort has:

  • Directly led to over 1,000 dogs and cats being rescued or adopted through rescue outreach, community involvement, and a strong social media presence
  • Forged a relationship with Spay Memphis that has helped alter local animals from low income families to decrease the numbers of pets being bred into overpopulated conditions
  • Created a “catch, spay, and release” program for feral cats. Previously all feral cats who came into Tipton were euthanized and now all of them are being spayed/neutered and released
  • Organized a dog-walking program with local volunteers to ensure that all dogs at Tipton are able to get out of their kennels at least once a day
  • Instated a new intake vaccine program that has dramatically decreased the incidence of communicable disease at the shelter and fatalities among puppies and kittens
  • Changed the mindset of a community who once believed that “there is no way to stop the euthanasia”

This dramatic change takes courage, unwavering leadership, strong collaborations, and lots of money. Please take a few moments to vote for Tipton County Animal Shelter and be a part of this incredible transformation.

Want to help PAWS in our life-saving work? Donate, adopt, or volunteer your time.